Pakistan, situated in South Asia, is a country brimming with diversity, history, and cultural richness. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas in the north to the fertile plains of...
"Being Pakistani: Society, Culture, and the Arts" by Raza Rumi provides an insightful exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of Pakistani society, culture, and artistic expressions. Rumi navigates through the intricate...
Mustansar Hussain Tarar's "Cuba Kahani" is a captivating travelogue that delves into the vibrant culture, history, and landscapes of Cuba. Through vivid storytelling and keen observation, Tarar paints a vivid...
"Geography of Pakistan" by Prof Dr Khalida Khan, Prof Sajid Mushtaq, and Samaha Sajid provides a detailed exploration of Pakistan's diverse geographical features, covering its landscapes, climate zones, natural resources,...